"Hey everyone! My wife and I are still fairly new to the valley. So, one of the things you do when you move, is find a dentist. I could not be happier with my choice of Kent Probst. Yesterday, I woke up in the middle of the night with extreme pain in my face. I called and got an appointment, just 1 hr after my call. That's #1. He didn't want to do something unnecessary and told me to call if it got worse, because it seemed nighttime jaw clenching was the cause. He did an X-ray and saw a small shadow, and scheduled a procedure for early next week. Today I woke up a lot worse, a lot. I called and was given two scripts for antibiotic and pain killers. It still got worse and I called again. He told me to come right then, to see if numbing shots would help. When I got there, he saw the swelling and decided to drill it. I am now 100 times better.
Now, I've been through some serious injuries in my life. Well, over 50 broken bones, punctured lungs, spinal taps, heart surgery, etc. But this may be the worst pain I ever had. Kent saw that, and didn't hesitate to make time for me, even after he should have left.
I've also gotten the best cleanings done, than ever before, by his staff.
I just wanted to share my short story because I don't do this often, and I thought this was a special case that needed to be said. Thank you Kent Probst!"
- Dan Perry